Sounds Like Teen Spirit: a Popumentary


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Jamie Jay Johnson
Completed 2009 Runtime 89


The outrageously talented Jamie Jay Johnson’s debut feature documentary marks the first partnership between the Foundation and the British Film Council.

This feature pop-umentary follows the 2007 Junior Eurovision contest – a subject which will indulge Johnson’s love of heroic losers and allow his quirky sense of humour to shine. It also promises to provide an insight into both what it is to be young and talented and, with entrants from Belarus, Cyprus, what it means to be European today.

The film is being produced by Stephen Wooley’s Number Nine films and is scheduled for theatrical release in 2008.

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What people
have said

Johnson serves the story well and strikes a welcome tone by taking his subjects just seriously enough. Very enjoyable.

Time Out

A cast of cute kids and quirky teens make for an unorthodox but endearing documentary.

Empire Magazine

It is physically impossible to emerge from this film wearing anything other than a smile as big as an upside-down rainbow.

Watch the
trailer here