Luis Ilizarbe
Director Luis Ilizarbe
After beating cancer Eduardo Gold formed a partnership called ‘Peru Glaciers’ which, in 2009, won one of 20 prizes (from 150,000 submissions) in the World Banks ‘100 Ideas to save the planet’.
His idea is to paint the now snow-free mountain caps white to reflect the light and help the mountains get their snowy peaks back.
Eduardo Gold is an inventor that has decided to save the world from global warming. His idea: paint in white the mountains to recover the snow once enjoyed.
The white color reflects sunlight, preventing the summit from absorbing the heat and let the falling snow turn to ice due to low temperatures. White color means cooling, dark colour means heat. With the help of the community of Licapa, he will bring back the snow to the Razuhuillca mountain.
What began as a crazy project, now is a particular task. The day the snow fell again in the Razuhuillca mountain, Eduardo Gold and the Licapa community you will teach the world, that reverse the effects of climate change is in our hands and our hearts.