We’ve got a new name.

From today we are
going by DOC SOCIETY.

Why?! We still have a lotta love for our old name, BRITDOC but it just didn’t fit what we do anymore. When we started our organisation 12 years ago, we actually called ourselves The British Documentary Film Foundation. Catchy huh? We shortened it to BRITDOC (phew!) but we were still only working with British filmmakers.

Today, we have the privilege to serve filmmakers all over the world, from India, China, Kenya, Turkey, Australia, Brazil as well as the US and the UK. And our global Good Pitch programme has, the last 12 months alone, taken place in Nairobi, Jakarta, Sydney, Copenhagen and Miami. Our main office is still in London in the heart of Soho. We now have another office with a growing team in New York and are starting a foundation in Amsterdam this year as well.

It is also core to our philosophy that we are an open organisation, that works collaboratively with hundreds of amazing creatives and like minded partners. We love nothing more than to organise a gathering like a Good Pitch, a Lab or retreat or a Sundance party that all are welcome to.

So, please, consider yourself a deeply valued member of our new DOC SOCIETY.

Got more questions?
Some answers here

What’s happening with the name BRITDOC? Is it gone forever?

We are thinking that we can do more for British filmmakers under the BRITDOC banner. Maybe we can bring back the BRITDOC Bar to UK Festivals, where the London DOC SOCIETY team can serve the community, literally.

Are we leaving the UK or not working with UK filmmakers anymore?

No! We actually hope to do more over the next few years. Our deal with the BBC is the first part of a new focus on the filmmakers in the UK. We are particularly interested to work with UK partners who feel as passionately as we do about telling stories from all parts of the UK, from new voices and giving us insights into communities and people outside the mainstream media.

Is this a sudden decision?

Not really, we’ve been thinking about it for years and starting working on finding a new name about a year ago. We considered hundreds of options and consulted amongst the whole team until we found a name we loved.

Are we changing what we do or how we do it?

Nope. We will continue to serve the documentary community everywhere. You can find out about all our on-going programmes and funds on our website www.docsociety.org

Are you changing all your social media channels?

Yes. We are now @TheDocSociety. Here's a link to Twitter and Facebook.

Are you changing all your email contacts?

If you use the old addresses, they will still reach us.

Our new addresses will follow the same simple pattern: firstname@docsociety.org

How can we stay updated?

Please do sign up for our monthly newsletter.